10 Worst Chinese Drywall Manufacturers Identified

A number of local homeowners with homes built by different builders have been affected by toxic Chinese drywall and are in different stages of remediation.  The US Consumer Product Safety Commission this past week has named the 10 worst manufacturers of Chinese Drywall
  • Knauf Plasterboard (Tianjin): (year of manufacture 2005) China
  • Taian Taishan Plasterboard: (2006) China
  • Shandong Taihe Dongxin: (2005) China
  • Knauf Plasterboard (Tianjin): (2006) China
  • Taian Taishan Plasterboard: (2006) China
  • Taian Taishan Plasterboard: (2006) China
  • Shandong Chenxiang GBM (C&K Gypsum Board): (2006) China
  • Beijing New Building Materials (BNBM): (2009) China
  • Taian Taishan Plasterboard: (2009) China
  • Shandong Taihe Dongxin: (2009) China  
Additional helpful links:

Center for Disease Control on Chinese Drywall:  http://www.cdc.gov/nceh/drywall/

US Consumer Product Safety Commission:   http://www.cpsc.gov/info/drywall/index.html

Florida Department of Health on Chinese Drywall:   http://www.doh.state.fl.us/environment/community/indoor-air/drywall.html

Senator Bill Nelson has been active with the Chinese drywall issue:  http://www.billnelson.senate.gov/2009drywallinfo.cfm

Lastly, if you suspect that you are a victim of toxic Chinese drywall I strongly suggest that you speak with a real estate attorney!

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